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Unexpected data loss from hard drive failures, natural disasters, and ransomware attacks pose potential threats to your paramount data. To avoid data loss caused by such unfortunate situations, the 3-2-1 data protection strategy is widely adopted to maintain multiple versions of backup data, thereby providing extra protection in case the current version crashes or gets infected by ransomware.

A 3-2-1 data protection strategy means having at least three data copies, where one copy is stored locally, and the rest are stored on two different devices. For personal users, you may consider adopting this strategy to acquire enterprise-level data protection for your precious memories, such as photos, family videos, and customized albums or choose to keep at least two data copies to ensure data availability. As for business users, it is recommended to follow the 3-2-1 strategy to make sure that all your core business data and critical information are always secure.

File Servers

AAT provides fast and secure ways to share your critical digital assets. With File Station, you can share files on your NAS (File server) to anyone, and customize access permissions for optimal security. File Station makes it easy to share files across multiple platforms — whether it's Windows®, macOS®, and Linux® computers or mobile devices.

Share files easily and safely
With one link, you can share files or request file uploads from others. This customizable link allows you to share it to specific users, set a password, and specify its validity period.
Access files from anywhere
Explore and organize files using a mobile phone or tablet (Android, iOS and Windows Phone support). Files can even be uploaded to your DiskStation or downloaded to your devices directly.
Centralize file access
With remote folders(VPN) and public cloud storage mounted to the File Station, you can access all your remote data as if it was stored locally.